SAME Weather Radio Alerts (Raleigh System)
There is a MTS, EAR-5120 NOAA Weather Radio receiver interfaced into the UHF Hub repeater system operating on 162.450 Mhz. The NOAA transmitter is located in Auburn, N.C. between Garner and Clayton on the WRAL-TV Tower and is considered the Garner weather transmitter. It has an ERP of 920 Watts and its antenna pattern is directed to the southeast toward Goldsboro. It can be accessed on the UHF link system by a public user code to hear a 90 second weather broadcast by entering touch tone * 4 5.
When the weather receiver is monitoring in the muted alert mode, and if a signal is lost over ten seconds on the receivers primary channel (162.450 Channel 3), a secondary Channel will be switched to (162.550 Channel 7), This transmitter is located near Chapel Hill, N.C. on the WUNC-TV Tower. This can be reset remotely by a member of the user group when the primary channel is back on the air.
The weather receiver is made by MTS in Clayton, N.C. and it has SAME (Specific Area Message Encoding) technology and the 162.450 mhz on the MTS receiver activates during selected warnings in the following four Counties in RED and the Garner transmitter covers the remaining Counties also and they are:
Franklin, Harnett, Johnston, Nash, Wake, Wayne and Wilson
Counties. Additional service areas are Durham, Granville, Person
and Vance.
The SAME Warnings are: Tornado Warning, Flash Flood Warning, Shearon-Harris Alert, Radiological Hazard, Civil Danger, Missing Child Statement-Amber Alert, Required Weekly and Monthly test. Amber Alert should be on line in the future. More info on Amber Alert can be found at this web site: http://codeamber.org
FIPS Codes: https://transition.fcc.gov/oet/info/maps/census/fips/fips.txt
Weather Circuit on Raleigh Hub Repeater Using MTS EAR 5120:
Click HERE for a copy of some field notes on the WX radio and power supply circuits: