Cary Fire-Rescue P25 Radio System
Listen to live Cary-Apex-Morrisville Emergency Services on line
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Listen to the live "CARY FIRE-RESCUE Stream" Best stream and view with Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox and cell phone app "Scanner Radio Deluxe".
New Audio Feed Coming Soon for Cary Fire-Rescue (CAM), Wake County, Wayne County-Goldsboro Fire and Carolina 440 AllStar System.
Click Live Feed and select TG "Talk Groups" you want to hear per system: &
Cary Fire-Rescue, Apex, Morrisville Live Feed Hosted by K4JDR of the Southeastern Emergency Communications Network / Carolina 440 UHF Link System URL:
System Details:
The Cary system is a Motorola APCO P25 Digital multi-site, simulcast system, Presently Phase I.
Cary migrated to a Motorola APCO P25 Phase I system in November 2014. There are three simulcast sites and one communications tower at Town Campus with Microwave backhaul and Fiber with controller and interoperability control stations. Coverage is 18 miles out from the center of the Town. South Coverage is out further than North due to the Apex site with wide coverage that gives you extra 10 miles out covering all of Southern Wake County. Antenna tower shading in the Southwest. Cary PD is Encrypted and we do not post any Cary PD Talk groups.
Site 1: PRIME Site; The North Tower is at Old Reedy Creek Road behind the Town of Cary North Water Reclamation Facility. South west side of tower, Omni antenna pattern. Tower is visible from I-40 near Harrison Avenue. 269 feet AGL. This is a co-existing antenna site with Wake County were they are using the Cary System Core for their new P25 radio system since October 2021. Coverage is 18 miles out.
Site 2: The Apex-South tower site is located at the 1575 foot Clear Channel tower site off 1010 Road east of Apex. The Transmit antenna is at 1270 Feet on the North leg. The receive antenna is at 1190 feet. (Wide Coverage site). Coverage is 28 Miles out.
Site 3: The RTP Wake County tower site co-existing with the Wake County Radio System located on Highway 55 just north of I-540 Toll Road, Kit Creek area. West side of tower with omni antenna pattern. This antenna tower site is also co-located with the P25 Wake County system. Coverage is 15 Miles out.
Backup Conventional Tower backup repeaters are located at Ten-Ten and Apex Peakway Northeast of Apex on a 500 foot tower. The receive is on the North leg at 480 ft. Transmit is on top @ 500 ft. Second backup is proposed for North Tower and converting both backup sites to TDMA Digital on conventional mode.
The Emergency Backup for Cary in Conventional Analog/Mix mode is:
856.0625 PL 192.8 hz Fire Dept. backup repeater and Alert Station backup/Simulcast select.
854.5625 PL 192.8 hz Cary PD backup repeater
854.0875 PL 192.8 hz North Tower-repeater Located at the Waste Water Treatment Plant on Reedy Creek Road.
These will become Conventional P25 Digital-TDMA systems in the future doubling the TG Channels per repeater.
154.2350 PL 110.9 hz VHF Transmitter/Repeater located at 316 N. Academy St. at Town Campus, Repeater could be used for simulcast select on dispatch for voice paging and two-way. This has not been activated for Paging as of this date. This Tower site has Microwave backhaul for Cary P25 System Site Controller and other Backup intersystem equipment. This location is also the Main 911 Public Safety Access Point. Backup 911 is at Fire Station 6 and plans are to incorporate Fire Station 9 to a Backup and EOC.
NPSPAC repeater also at North tower TBA later on repeater frequency.
Cary System P25 Trunking Repeater System Frequencies / System ID: Hex 596 WACN BEE00 NAC Code is 591
856.6625* TRS Ch 1 Voice / Control Frequency digital
859.9875 TRS Ch 2 Voice
858.9875* TRS Ch 3 Voice
857.9875* TRS Ch 4 Voice
856.9875 TRS Ch 5 Voice
855.9875 TRS Ch 6 Voice
854.3375 TRS Ch 7 Voice
859.4875 TRS Ch 8 Voice
856.4875 TRS Ch 9 Voice
854.6125* TRS CH 10 Voice / Control Frequency digital alternate
857.4875 TRS CH 11 Voice
858.4875 TRS CH 12 Voice
774.05625 MHz Fire Dept. on scene Vehicle repeater
Cary Fire-Rescue P25 Talk Groups
TGID / alpha tag-use On October 27, 2021 CFD TAC 2 - 10 Change Alpha Tag name to PS Talk Groups
46533 CFD DISP / Dispatch - Home talk group
46534 PS TAC 40
46535 PS TAC 41
46536 PS TAC 42
46537 PS TAC 43
46545 PS TAC 44
46546 PS TAC 45
46547 PS TAC 46
46548 PS TAC 47
46549 PS TAC 48
46544 MAYDAY Fireground Operations during RIC
New PS TAC on Cary System October 27, 2021
46517 PS TAC 49 Fire-Ground PS Operations "Multi-Tac"
46518 PS TAC 50
46519 PS TAC 51
46520 PS TAC 52
46521 PS TAC 53
46522 PS TAC 54
46523 PS TAC 55
46524 PS TAC 56
46525 PS TAC 57
46526 PS TAC 58
46527 PS TAC 59
46528 PS TAC 60 EMS to PSAP
46538 RSKMGT 1
46539 RSKMGT 2
46540 Training I
46541 Training II
46542 FD Invest
46543 FD Special
46559 CAM Training
46562 CARY TRN
46698 MFD BU
46500 CPD ATG
46532 CFD ATG
Special TG Multi-Dispatch, Alert & Paging
46940 WC FD DISP
46698 MFD Back UP
46858 TRI-COM
46949 WC FD EMER
46532 All Talk Group (ATG) Simulcast on all talk groups.
TRI-NET Talk Groups Cary system, Multi-MU AID
46853 MU AID 1 W
46854 MU AID 2 W
46855 MU AID 3 W
46856 MU AID 4 W
46857 MU AID 5 W
46692 MU AID 11 C
46693 MU AID 12 C
46694 MU AID 13 C
46695 MU AID 14 C
46696 MU AID 15 C
New CAM (Cary-Apex-Morrisville) BU Talk Groups on Cary System
47305 CAM BU 1
47306 CAM BU 2
47307 CAM BU 3
47308 CAM BU 4
47309 CAM BU 5
47310 CAM BU 6
47311 CAM BU 7
47312 CAM BU 8
47313 CAM BU 10
47314 CAM BU 11
47315 CAM BU 12
System Mutual / All Town of Cary Departments only, multi use Public Safety and Town Agencies.
46660 System Mutural 1 Multi-Talk
46661 System Mut 2
46662 System Mut 3
46663 System Mut 4
46664 System Mut 5
46665 System Mut 6
46666 System Mut 7
46667 System Mut 8
46668 System Mut 9
46669 System Mut 10
46670 System Mut 11
46671 System Mut 12
46672 System Mut 13
46673 System Mut 14
46674 System Mut 15
46675 System Mut 16
Wake County P25 System PS TAC 13 - 39 and PS TAC 40 - 59 used by Cary, Apex and Morrisville Fire-Rescue.
Wake System Info:
Talk Group ID Changes on October 27, 2021
Dec ID code Talk Group Alpha Tag
46812 / 2076 | 81c | D | PS TAC 13 D | Public Safety Tac 13 | Multi-TAC |
46813 / 2077 | 81d | D | PS TAC 14 D | Public Safety Tac 14 | |
46814 / 2078 | 81e | D | PS TAC 15 D | Public Safety Tac 15 | |
46815 / 2079 | 81f | D | PS TAC 16 D | Public Safety Tac 16 | |
46816 / 2080 | 820 | D | PS TAC 17 D | Public Safety Tac 17 | |
46817 / 2081 | 821 | D | PS TAC 18 D | Public Safety Tac 18 | |
46818 / 2082 | 822 | D | PS TAC 19 D | Public Safety Tac 19 | |
46819 / 2083 | 823 | D | PS TAC 20 D | Public Safety Tac 20 | |
46820 / 2084 | 824 | D | PS TAC 21 D | Public Safety Tac 21 | |
46821 / 2085 | 825 | D | PS TAC 22 D | Public Safety Tac 22 | |
46822 / 2086 | 826 | D | PS TAC 23 D | Public Safety Tac 23 | |
46823 / 2087 | 827 | D | PS TAC 24 D | Public Safety Tac 24 | |
46824 / 2088 | 828 | D | PS TAC 25 D | Public Safety Tac 25 | |
46825 / 2089 | 829 | D | PS TAC 26 D | Public Safety Tac 26 | |
46826 / 2090 | 82a | D | PS TAC 27 D | Public Safety Tac 27 | |
46827 / 2091 | 82b | D | PS TAC 28 D | Public Safety Tac 28 | |
46828 / 2093 | 82d | D | PS TAC 29 D | Public Safety Tac 29 | |
46829 / 2094 | 82e | D | PS TAC 30 D | Public Safety Tac 30 | |
46830 / 2095 | 82f | D | PS TAC 31 D | Public Safety Tac 31 | |
46831 / 2096 | 830 | D | PS TAC 32 D | Public Safety Tac 32 | |
46832 / 2097 | 831 | D | PS TAC 33 D | Public Safety Tac 33 | |
46833 / 2098 | 832 | D | PS TAC 34 D | Public Safety Tac 34 | |
46834 / 2099 | 833 | D | PS TAC 35 D | Public Safety Tac 35 | |
46835 / 2118 | 846 | D | PS TAC 36 D | Public Safety Tac 36 | |
46836 / 2119 | 847 | D | PS TAC 37 D | Public Safety Tac 37 | |
46837 / 2120 | 848 | D | PS TAC 38 D | Public Safety Tac 38 | |
47838 / 2121 | 849 | D | PS TAC 39 D | Public Safety Tac 39 |
PS TAC 13 - 39 is on Wake System
PS TAC 40 - 60 is on the Cary System
Wake County P25 System, Operations Talk Groups
FD OPS 1 46800 / 2053
FD OPS 2 46801 / 2054
FD OPS 3 46802 / 2055
FD OPS 4 46803 / 2056
FD OPS 5 46804 / 2057
FD OPS 6 46805 / 2058
FD OPS 7 46806 / 2059
FD OPS 8 46807 / 2060
FD OPS 9 46808 / 2072
FD OPS 10 46809 / 2073
FD OPS 11 46810 / 2074
FD OPS 12 46811 / 2075
WAKE COUNTY P25 System Event Talk Groups
EVENT 1 D 46839 / 2100
EVENT 2 D 46840 / 2101
EVENT 3 D 46841 / 2102
EVENT 4 D 46842 / 2103
EVENT 5 D 46843 / 1675
EVENT 6 D 46844 / 1677
EVENT 7 D 46845 / 2145
EVENT 8 D 46846 / 2146
EVENT 9 D 46847 / 2147
EVENT 10 D 46849 / 2148
HAZ MAT 1 / 2065
HAZ MAT 2 / 2143
EOC CALL 46963 / 2112
EOC 1 46964 / 2116
EOC 2 46965 / 2117
EOC 3 46966 / 2113
EM 1 46962 / 2106
FD DISP 46940 / 2051
FD ALERT 46949 / 2068
FD EMER 46948 /
HQ DISP 47020 / 2124
RFD ALERT 47021 / 2125
APXF DISP 46644 / 2290
EMS DISP 46969 / 2151
EMS ALERT 46988 / 2198
WAKE COMM 46859 / 1683
MFD TAC 1 / 2355
TRI COM 46858 / 1239
RDU CTRL 47380 / 1621
RDU ESDSP 47387 / 2260
RDU ES1 47388 / 2261
RDU ES2 47389 / 2262
RDU A 47381 / 2263
RDU B 47382 / 2264
RDU C 47383 / 1611
RDU D 47384 / 2266
RDU E 47385 / 2267
RDU F 47386 / 1613
SW CONF 52816
LZ WEST 2 52749
LZ EAST 2 52748
LZ CENT 2 52747
LZ PD MONT 1 52798
LZ PD MONT 2 52799
NCSHP VIPER, CHATHAM COUNTY SYSTEM * additional County tower sites under construction
Alias Name Dec ID
CHAT PSTAC 10 10004
CHAT PSTAC 11 ? not identified to date
CHAT EOC 10000
CHAT EVENT 1 10044
CHAT EVENT 2 10045
CHAT EVENT 3 10046
CHAT EVENT 4 10047
CHAT OPS 1 10036
CHAT OPS 2 10037
CHAT OPS 3 10038
CHAT OPS 4 10039
CHAT OPS 5 10040
CHAT OPS 6 10041
Chatham County News Article with a site map:,5338
The Tri-Net Talk Groups are used By local agencies that have 800 Mhz capabilities in the triangle area.
The Durham system has TRI-NET Talk Groups that works off of their 4 sites.
Click Here for Durham Public Saftey Talk Group list
6480 DUR LZ This works off Durham System Frequencies
8912 Mu Aid 6 16606
8944 Mu Aid 7 16607
8976 Mu Aid 8 16698
9008 Mu Aid 9 16609
9040 Mu Aid 10 16610
The National Public Safety Channels are used also. These are used for on scene communications and local communications were repeaters are on the air. These 800 Mhz conventional systems use a CTCSS of 156.7 hz. Originally assigned by the FCC to use as mutual aid between different agencies anywhere by any eligible 800 mhz Public Safety agency. These were named the NPS or NPSPAC Channels back in the late 1980's. Most recently they have been given the acronym 8CALL and 8TAC Channels (Interoperability Tactical Channels). Some agencies have adopted the standard names below on these channels. All five frequencies have 5 repeater pairs and 5 talkaround/simplex channels.
ITAC names output freq / input freq. Repeater Location
8CALL 90 ~ 866.0125 / 806.0125 Repeater "Call Channel" Wake County Training Center
8TAC 91 ~ 866.5125 / 806.5125 " "
8TAC 92 ~ 867.0125 / 807.0125 " "
8TAC 93 ~ 867.5125 / 807.5125 " " Little River Tower
8TAC 94 ~ 868.0125 / 808.0125 " " Northern Wake Tower
8CALL 90 TA ~ 851.0125 / 851.0125 "Talkaround"
8TAC 91 TA ~ 851.5125 / 851.5125 " "
8TAC 92 TA ~ 852.0125 / 852.0125 " "
8TAC 93 TA ~ 852.5125 / 852.5125 " "
8TAC- 94 TA ~ 853.0125 / 853.0125 " "
National Interoperability Field Operations Guide (NIFOG) channels
The NIFOG channel information
P25 Phase II Info:
Additional VHF Communication frequencies:
154.2350 110.9 hz VHF Transmitter/Repeater
154.2800 No PL decode, encode 192.8 hz tone State Fire
155.2800 192.8 hz State Rescue
154.3250 186.2 hz Chatham County Fire East
USAR Simplex Communications, using 173.8 hz PL unless noted (Duplicated frequencies named for regional response).
Alpha Freq
USAR 1 155.160
USAR 2 155.175
USAR 3 155.205
USAR 4 155.220
USAR 5 155.235
USAR 6 155.265
USAR 7 155.280 (State EMS)
USAR 8 155.295
USAR 9 155.265
USAR 10 154.265
USAR 11 154.295
NCEM 1 453.5625
NCEM 2 453.1000 114.8 hz
NCEM 3 463.1875
NCEM 4 468.1875
MURS 1U 151.8200
MURS 2U 151.8800
MURS 3U 151.9400
State Fire 154.280
Chatham Fire 154.325
Aviation 1 126.100 AM
Aviation 2 123.450 AM
APCO P25 Info:
Amateur Radio frequencies in Cary, NC 444.775+ 100 PL and 441.725+ 100 PL
Carolina 440 Audio Feed Click HERE Audio Feed: Click on NC 440 Talk Group
Amateur radio list @
For additional info and Law Enforcement Trunking IDs join and view these web pages at:
Click HERE for Raleigh Fire - Rescue and Police Frequencies ................................. Strong Signals Site ................................. Frequency list and data files .............................. Frequency list and data files ........................... Bearcat scanner freq. info ....... VHF Marine Wake County, Raleigh, NC Audio Feed Carolina 440 System Audio Feed
Don Starrs PRO XXXX scanner Software page
New York City Fire Dept. Live Audio Stream
ADS-B Flight Tracker Contributor, Click HERE for Flight Data:
Updated 11/1/2021 K4JDR